Apart from these provisions that must be included in a labour contract as provided for in the preceding paragraph, A Critical Assessment for the Dispute Settlement Clause in the Articles of Association of Companies Listed outside the PRC Mainland-Prerequisite Clauses 劳动合同除前款规定的必备条款外,评《到境外上市公司章程必备条款》关于争议解决的规定
If a settlement member fails to raise an objection against the settlement data within the time specified in the preceding paragraph, it shall be regarded as having confirmed the correctness of the settlement data. 结算会员未在前款规定时间内对结算数据提出书面异议的,视为认可结算数据的正确性。
Stipulations for arbitration under the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed in the consignment contract and the clearing and settlement contract by the futures commission merchant and the clearing member, respectively, and shall serve as the arbitration contract required under the commercial arbitration act. 前项仲裁约定,应由期货商、结算会员分别订入受托契约及受托办理结算交割契约中,作为商务仲裁条例所规定之仲裁契约。
The deposit, supplementation, and application for withdrawal of the reserve referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be done in compliance with the GTSM Regulations Governing Bond payment settlement reserves for the electronic bond trading system. 前项准备金之缴存、增补及申请领响应依本中心「债券等殖成交系统债券给付结算准备金管理办法」相关规定办理。
Account book management by Clearing Members referred to in the preceding paragraph with regard to the conduct of clearing and settlement consigned by a Futures Commission Merchant shall separately record proprietary and consigned trading by the Futures Commission merchant. 前项结算会员对于委托其办理结算交割之期货商帐簿管理,应按该期货商自行买卖及受托买卖别登载之。